This is a review written by a reader in Sweden.
I read your book with great interest during the weekend and found -after a while- that it perhaps was written by you with an arch smile. Anyhow, as is clear from your book, it has a very serious message to all of us. During reading I was struck with the idea that what you had written could very much be an interesting basis (or a manus) for a film. The futuristic components have grave and earnest qualities also referring to Revelation (Apokalypsis Ioannou). This should be better known among our fellow-beings and I understand your book as a convenient basis for a film for edification. You could reach those who are not inclined to read a book hopefully in an efficient way with your serious and urgent message. I do not think that it is appealing for any film-maker of the Hollywood type, but, as I interpret it, you have economically and altogether stronger Christian organizations in your country compared to what is prevailing in Europe (still influenced by the existentialism that to some extent, I think, was the result of the world war II in Europe). You have interfoliated your narrative with citations from the Bible, which I find very instructive, e.g. (p 93) "ta gar blepomena proskaira, ta de me blepomena aionia", for the things being seen are temporary, but the things not being seen are eternal. Also, your reference to John 6:44 pleases me in its context, and as you point out, the Greek verb "helkuo" is drastic and vigorous and we meet the same verb in John 18:10 -Peter having a sword drew it, and in John 21:11 -Peter went up and drew the net to land (full fishes).